dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2020

5th and 6th students (3rd week activities)

Hello students,

Here you have the answers of last week activities

Saint George's legend:

- Saint George's legend (questions):
1. George was a knight.
2. The man told him/the knight/Saint George about the awful things that were happening there.
3. They gave the dragon their food, animals and money and gold. 
4. He gave his daughter to help protect his people. 
5. George attacked the dragon, they fought and Saint George won the fight and killed the dragon. George and the princess returned to the village. 

And on this document there are the assignments for this week (en aquest document estan les tasques per aquesta setmana):

My email is: montseprovencana@gmail.com
Deadline (últim dia enviament): Wednesday 6th May. 

If you want to continue practising:

Present continuous - Quiz 1

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