dijous, 30 d’abril del 2020

3rd and 4th students (3rd week activities)

Nens i nenes de Cicle Mitjà: heu enviat molts àudios amb el poema i l'activitat de Saint George!  Enhorabona pel vostre esforç!
Aquesta setmana la tasca és sobre... 

My clothes

This week the activities are:
  • Watch this video
  • Read the sentences and write TRUE or FALSE. Do it on your notebook or on a paper. Look at the example. (Llegeix les frases i digues si és veritat o mentida, fes l'activitat a la teva llibreta o en un full).
    1. The boy is wearing a yellow sweater. FALSE
    2. The boy is wearing a hat on his head. ________
    3. The girl is wearing a blue and white skirt. _______
    4. The girl is wearing pink socks. _______
    5. The clown is wearing green shorts. _______
    6. The clown is wearing red gloves. _______
  • Complete this activity: who is who? On your notebook or on a paper write the numbers from 1 to 6 and the name of the child. (Completa l'activitat, a la teva llibreta o en un full escriu els números de l'1 al 6 i el nom del nen/a).
  • Email me an audio describing yourself and the clothes you are wearing like in the example. (Pots enviar-me un àudio descrivint-te i la roba que portes com en l'exemple).
    Watch this video to review  the vocabulary.

  • Email me a photo of the activities. (Envia'm una foto de les activitats per e-mail).
My email is: montseprovencana@gmail.com
Deadline (últim dia enviament): Wednesday 6th May. 

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