dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2020

5th and 6th students (2nd week activities)

These are the activities for this week:

- Listen to the text about Saint George's legend and choose the correct answer. When you finish, click on "Finish", then on "check my answers" and send me a photo with the result. (Quan acabeu de fer l'activitat, cliqueu "Finish", després "check my answers" i m'envieu una foto amb el resultat obtingut, no feu trampetes que així no s'aprèn...). Important: Si quan feu "check my answers", alguna resposta no us quadra, no patiu, tinc les correctes i les penjaré la setmana vinent. Vosaltres poseu el que escolteu, jo revisaré totes les vostres respostes i segur que ho fareu bé!

- Read the text again and on a paper write the following questions and answer them: 
1. Who was George? (Qui era George?)
2. What did the man tell George? (Què li va dir l'home a George?)
3. What did the villagers give the dragon? (Què van  donar els habitants del poble al drac?)
4. Why did the king give his daugther? (Per què el rei va donar la seva filla?)
5. What happens at the end? (Què passa al final?)

Remember: Use the dictionary, write sentences with S-V-C (=Subject-Verb-Complement), good writing and presentation.

  Deadline (últim dia enviament): Wednesday 29th April. 

If you want to continue practising:

Past simple verb TO BE
Verb TO BE - Quiz
Regular verbs past simple 
Past Simple regular Quiz
Regular and irregular verbs (6th grade)

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