dijous, 23 d’abril del 2020

3rd and 4th students (2nd week activities)

Nens i nenes de Cicle Mitjà: felicitats per les descripcions, fotos, dibuixos, vídeos i àudios que heu fet de la tasca de la setmana passada. Ho heu fet genial!!
Aquesta setmana la tasca està relacionada amb un dia molt especial... 

Today is Saint George's day

This week the assignments are:
  • Watch the story of Saint George and the dragon. (Mira la història de Sant Jordi i el drac).
  • Listen to the vocabulary of the story. (Escolta el vocabulari de la història).               
  • Complete this activity with the vocabulary. (Completa aquesta activitat amb el vocabulari, fes-la a la teva llibreta o en un full).
  • Email me a photo of the activity. (Envia'm una foto de l'activitat per e-mail).
  • You can record yourself reading aloud one of these alphabet poems. (Pots gravar-te llegint un d'aquests poemes i enviar-me per email l'àudio, per exemple, el de la lletra del teu nom. Vols sentir el de la M?).

      Some alphabet poems     

  1. A is for Apple, one apple for me and for him and for her, too.
  2. B is for Bird. Birds like to sing. They start to sing when it is spring.
  3. C is for cat. My cat is grey. He likes to run and he likes to play.
  4. D is for dog and for Doggy. I have a dog, his name is Bobby.
  5. E is for English and Emmy as well. Do you speak English? Yes, very well.
  6. F is for five. F is for four, five little kittens are on the floor.
  7. G is for grass, and for a glass, girls in the green grass find a glass.
  8. H is for hat, she has a hat, I am a boy, I have a cap.
  9. I is for Ice-cream, and for the icing, I am always singing when I am eating.
  10. Jane starts with J, Jack starts with J, Jack and Jane together sing the Jingle Bells.
  11. Kate has a kitten, it is black and white. When it is night, they turn off the light.
  12. L is for lollipops, lollipops are sweet. They are for me and for you to lick.
  13. M is for Mouse, it has a house. Poor, little mouse runs to the house.
  14. N is for nut, nut’s good for heart. Have a good start, never to stop.
  15. Orange oranges are on the floor, one orange orange is at the door.
  16. Pink pig Peter, come to play a game. Oh, no Peppa, you’re a little hen.

My email is: montseprovencana@gmail.com
Deadline (últim dia enviament): Thursday 30th. 

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