dimecres, 3 de juny del 2020

5th and 6th students (last activities)


Hello students,
In a few days the school year ends and these are the last English activities you have to do and email me. I want to tell you that you have worked very hard and you have made a great effort. You must be proud of you!!
Find the assignments on this link and this oneWhen it is done, click "Finish", "Email my answers to my teacher", complete the information required and I will receive it in my email. 

(En uns dies acaba el curs i aquestes són les últimes activitats d'anglès que heu de fer i enviar-me per email. Vull dir-vos que heu treballat dur i heu fet un gran esforç. Heu d'estar orgullosos/es! 
Trobareu les tasques en els links (a dalt). Quan està fet, clica "Finish", després "Email my answers to my teacher", completa la informació requerida i rebré la tasca al meu email).

Take a look at the explanation:

And to finish :) happy, click herelisten to the song and complete the activity with the words on the worksheet.    

My email is: montseprovencana@gmail.com
Deadline (últim dia enviament): Friday 12th June. 

If you want to continue practising:
Grammar Question words

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