dilluns, 3 de juliol del 2017


Dear students,

We would like to give you some tips to practise English this summer:

- Read one, two or more books in English. You already know that reading lets you travel to different places. Click on the following link and start to enjoy reading!: 
- Listen to your favourite songs in English and sing!!

- Watch cartoons and films in English, it will keep you improve your language skills.

- And especially... ENJOY SUMMER with your friends and family!!

Your teachers Ma. Luz and Montse

Tips for High school

Some high school students came to our school and prepared some oral activities in English to play with our 6th graders.  
Sometimes primary students feel nervous about starting high school so they could ask high school students about their daily life at High School. 

dissabte, 1 de juliol del 2017


During the last term some students from 6th grade have gone to Torre Barrina in Collblanc to record one of the tales of the Project "Wheel of tales". They were very excited because it was a real radio studio. They really did an excellent job. Have a look at their photos! Click on the link below to listen to their recording.