divendres, 22 de desembre del 2017

dimarts, 12 de desembre del 2017

dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017

Her - His

3rd grade children:

Here you have a video about HER and HIS. Do you remember when to use them? Have a look at the video.

dijous, 23 de novembre del 2017

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Do you want to know more about this holiday? Have a look at these videos. 

dimarts, 21 de novembre del 2017


Hello all:

One more time all the students are going to sing songs in English at Centre Cultural Santa Eulàlia. The date is on 18th December. These are the songs that children are rehearsing these days in class. We hope to see you all there!.



1st grade: SPONGE BOB



4th grade: YELLO SUBMARINE (by The Beatles)

5th grade: OCTOPUS'S GARDEN (by The Beatles)

6th grade: BEYOND THE SEA (by Robbie Williams)

dijous, 9 de novembre del 2017

Question words


Let's have fun playing this entertaining board game!
Click on: 

Welcome to trolley dash!

5th graders:

Let's review some vocabulary about FOOD that you studied on Unit 1. Click on the picture below and collect everything on your shopping list. You have only sixty seconds to do it. Good luck!


On, in, under

3rd graders:

Do you remember last day in class? We did an activitity about the following PREPOSITIONS:

ON                       IN                   UNDER 
Let's review how to use them wactching the video. Go!


2nd graders:

Here it is the song we listened in class some days ago.
Enjoy it and say how you feel!

divendres, 3 de novembre del 2017

dilluns, 3 de juliol del 2017


Dear students,

We would like to give you some tips to practise English this summer:

- Read one, two or more books in English. You already know that reading lets you travel to different places. Click on the following link and start to enjoy reading!: 
- Listen to your favourite songs in English and sing!!

- Watch cartoons and films in English, it will keep you improve your language skills.

- And especially... ENJOY SUMMER with your friends and family!!

Your teachers Ma. Luz and Montse

Tips for High school

Some high school students came to our school and prepared some oral activities in English to play with our 6th graders.  
Sometimes primary students feel nervous about starting high school so they could ask high school students about their daily life at High School. 

dissabte, 1 de juliol del 2017


During the last term some students from 6th grade have gone to Torre Barrina in Collblanc to record one of the tales of the Project "Wheel of tales". They were very excited because it was a real radio studio. They really did an excellent job. Have a look at their photos! Click on the link below to listen to their recording.


dijous, 29 de juny del 2017


Dear families:

During this school year the students from third to sixth grade have read two books in english. In small groups they have been able to read aloud, listen to the audio of the story and identify the parts of it. Finally each group has made an oral presentation of each book in front of their classmates. You can watch some videos of the presentations here on the blog.
It has been a great and very positive experience and children have learnt new vocabulary and grammar.

Benvolgudes famílies,

Durant aquest curs els alumnes de 3r a 6è han llegit dos llibres en anglès. En petits grups han pogut llegir en veu alta, escoltar l'àudio de la història i identificar les parts de la mateixa. Finalment cada grup ha fet una presentació oral de cada llibre davant dels seus companys. Podeu veure alguns vídeos de les presentacions en publicacions en el blog. 

Ha sigut una experiència genial i molt positiva i els alumnes han après nou vocabulari i gramàtica.

Ma. Luz i Montse

dimecres, 28 de juny del 2017


Dear families:

During the last school year the students from sixth grade have participated on an activity called 'Wheel of tales" organised by CRP L'Hospitalet together with another schools from our city. The students wrote a story and illustrated it as well. In the end each school recorded one of the stories.
Click on the text below and you will find the summary of the activity and the recordings of the stories. Our students recorded the tale C titled 'Misleading appearances'. All of them made a great job!.

Benvolgudes famílies,

Durant l'últim curs els alumnes de 6è han participat en una activitat anomenada 'Wheel of tales' organitzada per el CRP L'Hospitalet juntament amb altres escoles de la nostra ciutat. Els alumnes van escriure una història i també la van il.lustrar. Al final cada escola va gravar una de les històries. 
Podeu clickar en el text de sota i trobareu el resum de l'activitat i les gravacions de les històries. Els nostres alumnes de 6è van fer la gravació del conte C titulat 'Misleading appearances'. Tots van fer una bona feina!. 

Ma. Luz i Montse

                      Wheel of tales - final result

dimarts, 27 de juny del 2017

Acting together 2017

The boys and girls in the 4th grade played a theatre play called
 “The lion and the mouse” at Auditori Barrades on June 6th. 
It was great!! 
 Congratulations kids!! 
You are great actress and actors.
 Have a nice summer

THE LION AND THE MOUSE. Auditoti Barrades

dimecres, 19 d’abril del 2017


P5 students:

Let's learn more about the planets in our Solar System. Enjoy the videos!!

dimecres, 5 d’abril del 2017


At Easter P5 students listened to a story about a little bunny. Then we made the bunny ears. You can see them on these photos. We had a good time!!