dilluns, 19 de desembre del 2016

We wish you a...

Your teachers M. Luz and Montse

Christmas time is here!

Hello children:

Christmas is coming! Let's have fun listening to these songs and watching these videos about Christmas! And have a look at the two amusing advertisements.

dijous, 8 de desembre del 2016

Festival song

Dear children,

Next friday is the December Festival and we all are so excited for that day. Meanwhile, you can watch the videos of the songs that you are going to sing and practise them at home. We will have lots of fun!!

P4: I can sing a rainbow

P5: London bridge is falling down

 1st grade: I've got peace in my fingers

2nd grade: Hello to all the children of the world

3rd grade: Africa by Dani Griffin

4th grade: We are the world by Michael Jackson

5th grade: Stand by me by Ben E. King

6th grade: We are here by Alicia Keys

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2016

Make your own monster!!

Little children:

Here you have a game to make your monster. You can put eyes, mouth, nose, ears, arms and legs on him or her. First, decide the colour you like most for your monster and then you can start to create it! Enjoy a lot!


dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016

P5: Autumn poem

These last days P5 graders have learnt an 'Autumn poem' in English class. Here you can see them reciting it. Well done children!!! 😀



dijous, 3 de novembre del 2016


Dear all,

Have a look at how we celebrated Halloween in our school last week. Little children made terrifying decorations for the English board (bats and scary pumpkins) and older children decorated their pencils with ghosts and pumpkins. Enjoy the creepy video!!!

dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016


Hi all,

We want to wish you a SCARY and SPOOKY HALLOWEEN!!! Have a terrific fun watching these videos.

dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2016


Benvolguts pares, mares i alumnes,

Els alumnes de Primària poden accedir al llibre de text digital visitant la web www.anayaeducacion.es i registrant-se en l'apartat "La web del alumnado" i després, utilitzant el codi de setze dígits que apareix a la coberta interior del llibre "Pupil's Book".

Aquest mateix codi pot servir també per a descarregar-se el llibre digital en qualsevol dispositiu mòbil (IOS, Android, Linux, Windows) el qual els alumnes poden fer servir per a practicar el seu English sense connexió a internet. Aquesta opció requereix instal.lar-se l'aplicació gratuïta www.blinklearning.com.

Podeu visitar la web www.anayaeducacion.es per a més informació.

Salutacions cordials,

Mestres d'Anglès

dilluns, 10 d’octubre del 2016


6th students:

Click on the picture below to practise the grammar structure we studied in class. Do your best!!

divendres, 3 de juny del 2016

ALL ABOUT ME by 5th grade students

During this school year, 5th grade students have worked on emotions as a part of the school magazine project. If you want to know what they like or not, what they are afraid of or what they make them angry, have a look at their works.


dimecres, 1 de juny del 2016

A robots song

P5 children:

Do you want to dance like a robot? Let's watch this amazing video! Enjoy!

A dolphins song

P4 students:

As you know, dolphins talk to each other making sounds which are called whistles and clicks. This is the video we watched in class some days ago. Can you imitate the sounds that dolphins make? Have fun and sing along!

divendres, 13 de maig del 2016

dimarts, 29 de març del 2016

Back to school after Easter

and all of us come back to school. 
Let's begin the last term happily and full of energy!!
We're glad to see you again.

Click on the picture above to play funny games. Enjoy!

divendres, 18 de març del 2016

Easter Bunny

The Easter bunny has come to our school and he has brought some Easter chocolate eggs for the little children at P4 and P5 grades. 

Some eggs were hidden around P4 class: in a folder, next to the computer, on a bookcase, in the pencils box, etc... but children have found them in the blink of an eye!!!




Dear all,

We want to wish you an amazing, fantastic and wonderful Easter week!. If you want to have fun, click on the following links and play. 
See you soon again!!



dijous, 17 de març del 2016

Leprechaun hunt

Leprechauns are close related to Saint Patrick's Day and they appear in old Irish stories. A leprechaun is a magical creature in the shape of a little old man who likes to cause trouble.


Click on the image below and find the leprechaun. Where is he hidden?



Hi children:

Today Irish people all over the world celebrate Saint Patrick'd Day, especially those who live in Ireland. It's a celebration of Irish culture because Saint Patrick is the patron of Ireland. 
Let's listen to some funny songs about this day. Enjoy!

dimarts, 1 de març del 2016

dimarts, 9 de febrer del 2016

How to draw a robot?

And for P5 children: 

Click on the video to learn how to draw an amazing robot. Enjoy!!


How to draw a dolphin easily?

Hi P4 graders:

As you are the DOLPHINS's class I'm sure that you love drawing dolphins. So here you can learn how to do it! It's really easy! Play and see.

dijous, 4 de febrer del 2016

Song: We're robots (P4)

P4 children have learnt this nice song in class. Look at them dancing and singing along. 
Good for you!

What are they doing?

5th and 6th graders: 

Here you have how to form Present Continuous, then click on the image and start to practise doing activities.




This week we celebrate Carnival at school and in our country but do you know how Carnival is celebrated around the world? Click below and let's find out!!.


dimecres, 27 de gener del 2016


P5 children, do you want to play a game about transport? So click on the image and have fun! 

"Are you my mother?" story

Little children:

Here you have a loving story about a baby bird who is looking for his mummy and he can't find her anywhere. I hope you like it.

This is my family

P4 children have learnt the name of some family members. You can have a look at this story which is about a family.
Enjoy a lot!


dilluns, 18 de gener del 2016

Object pronouns

Hi 5th graders:

Here you have some online games to practise the contents of Unit 3. Click on the image below and enjoy!