dijous, 23 d’abril del 2015

George and the Dragon


Saint George's Day is a special date in Catalonia because it is a day of roses and books but not only Saint George is important here, in England became relevant too. Watch this video and find out why.  

On this link you will also find some games about Saint George. Have fun!

Easter egg hunt

One more time, P5 students have found all the Easter eggs that were hidden in the English class. Well done children!. Let's have a look at your photos. 

dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2015

What a wonderful world - EARTH DAY, April 22

Hi children,
Have a look at the following video to realize how incredible is the world we live in. So let's take care of it! 

EARTH DAY, April 22

Let's get to find out more about recycling. Click on the images below to learn more. You will find some games as well.