dijous, 29 de maig del 2014

Take a photo of a wild animal

P5 students have learnt some wild animals names. Here you have a game to complete a safari album. Click on the next image and start to play! Remember to follow the instructions and you will complete your album. Get your camera ready!


Did you go out last weekend?

Here you can see 5th students practising a dialogue about going out, in past.
As usual... good job children!!!

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2014

Wild animals song

P5 students have learnt a song about wild animals. In these videos you can see them singing along. They sing really good!

dijous, 15 de maig del 2014

Old Macdonald had a farm

P4 children are learning vocabulary about farm animals and their sounds. Here you have the video that we have watched in class. Have fun!! 

dissabte, 10 de maig del 2014

Asking about timetables

Have a look at the following roleplays, you will see 5th students asking and answering questions about a place and what time it opens, closes or finishes. 
They seem really actors and actresses!!

diumenge, 4 de maig del 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Today we celebrate Mother's Day. Similar celebrations also take place around the world,
but not necessarily on the same day. For instance, in Britain, this year it has been on
March 30 and in USA it will take place next sunday, on May 11.