divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014

Love is all around -by Wet Wet Wet-

 5th and 6th graders:

Here you have the song we have listened to this morning, with the lyrics so you can sing it!!

dimecres, 5 de febrer del 2014


P4 graders are learning the name of some pieces of clothes. Here you have a video to practise.
Enjoy it!

This is my street

Children describe the street where they live. To indicate where a place or something is, we use prepositions such as:

Have a look at the following videos and see children's work!


Did you... ? Questions in Past Simple

6th graders enjoyed making questions and answers using Past Simple.
Good for you!


Questions in Past Simple:       Did  +  Subject +  Verb  +  Complement?

                       Example:        Did        you          play          football?




5th students give us some tips to learn new words. We put in common all the ideas on a list.
Very good tips children! Congrats!

That's the final result:
How can we learn new words?
  1. Write the words on a sheet and write sentences with these words.
  2. Write the words and the translation. If there are mistakes, copy the words several times.
  3. Guess the missing letter in a word. Example: magn__t (magnet)
  4. Look a word up in the dictionary. When you know the meaning, write a sentence.
  5. Copy the words and their pronunciation on the notebook.
  6. Write two columns, one for the new words and the other one for its translation. Then, match the words with its translation.
  7. Make a list of the words. Tick the words you know and cross the words you don’t know. Study the words you don’t know. 

My weekend

Here you will find more videos where 6th graders tell us how they spent their time during the weekend.
They did a good job using Past Simple!
Don't you think that they really had a busy weekend? I think so...


Do you like + verb -ING?

Last week 4th students practised questions and answers with LIKE+verb in gerund.
They did a great job! Let's watch these videos!