diumenge, 17 de novembre del 2013

Do you...? Yes, I do.

5th students:

Here's a video of you practising questions and short answers about sports in Present Simple.

Great job children!


divendres, 1 de novembre del 2013

Verb "TO BE"

Hi all:
If you click on this link you will find some activities to practise verb "to be"


It's a good way to learn!!

Have a nice day!

Present Continuous

Hello 5th & 6th graders!

Let's practise a little more Present Continuous.

Remember how to form it:

       subject                        +   verb to be    +     the main verb

(I, you, he/she, we, you, they)           (in present)                     (in gerund)

Possessive 's

Hello 5th graders!

Do you remember the activities about  's
Here you have an useful link to review it.

I'm sure you'll do it great!!

Days of the week song

Hi 3rd & 4th students!:

Here you have a video to review the days of the week

I hope you like it!

Past Simple

Hello 5th & 6th graders!

Here you have some activities to practise past simple.

Click on this link and start to play!: Past Simple

Enjoy it! 


Hi 6th graders!:

Have a good time playing and learning more about JOBS!!!

Click on the following link:    Jobs

Comparatives & superlatives

Hello 6th graders!

Another interesting link. This time you could learn how comparatives and superlatives work.

Comparatives & superlatives

 Have a great day!