divendres, 30 de març del 2012

dilluns, 26 de març del 2012

Let's go to the theatre. Cinderella

English theatre. CINDERELLA

Boys and girls in the first cycle are going to the theatre.
April, 13th.

Poor Cinderella has a few problems: her step-sisters, her almost-completely deaf and forgelful fairy godmother, and a short-sighted Prince Charming. Can we help her?
- Yes, we can


Hello pupils,

this morning, pupils from the 3rd cycle have seen the English play 'Frankenstein'.

aquest matí, els nens i nenes del cicle superior, hem anat a veure l'obra de teatre en anglès 'Frankenstein'.

It was funny and we enjoyed a lot. Now, we are going to work it in class.
Ha sigut molt divertida i ens ho hem passat molt bé. Ara la treballarem a classe.

Gràcies a les tutores del cicle superior, Montse i Mª José, i a l'alumne de pràctiques, Guillem, per la seva col·laboració.
See you!!!

(Recordeu que vosaltres també podeu comentar els posts que publiquem en aquest blog i així el farem nostre. Animeu-vos a participar amb el vostre comentari!!!!)

divendres, 23 de març del 2012

Theatre. Frankenstein.

Pupils from the 3rd cycle are going to see the theatre play 'Frankenstein' next Monday 26th.

Frankenstein is a doctor of medicine. He has a laboratory where, helped by his assistant, he gives classes of anatomy. He also has a book ‘How to make a monster’. All he needs are a few pieces of body, a brain and a lot of energy. But where is he going to get these things from?

Frankenstein - IPA Productions

dimarts, 20 de març del 2012

dilluns, 19 de març del 2012

Father's Day

Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries (like the UK and the USA) celebrate it on the third Sunday of June but in Spain it is celebrated today.
Father's Day complements Mother's Day, a celebration honoring mothers.

Source: Wikipedia.org

dimarts, 6 de març del 2012


Dear pupils,
in this video you can see how pupils from P5 have worked with giraffes.
We love them!!!

dilluns, 5 de març del 2012


Pupils from P5 are... GIRAFFES!!!!

Look at these posters and read the information about them.

divendres, 2 de març del 2012

Reading time 2nd. Cycle

Dear pupils and families,

These are the funny books that we are reading at the "Reading time"

Enjoy with them

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Reading time 1st. Cycle

Dear pupils and families,

These are the books that we are reading at ""Reading Time"

We enjoy with them

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Reading time. 3rd Cycle

Dear pupils and families,

these are the books that we are reading in our 'READING TIME'.
Every Thursday we read one chapter and after this, we make some comprehension activities.
The books are really interesting!!!

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