divendres, 29 de gener del 2021

Interactive games - Numbers

 Hello there,

Today I give you the opportunity to play the English games I show you in the last session for practicing the numbers from 0 to 100

You can play all of them at home or with your family!


1. Number charts

2. Monster numbers

3. Pirate treasure

I hope you like them and have fun!

See you! :)

dimarts, 19 de gener del 2021


Hello everyone!

My name is Aida and I am the English teacher in Cicle Mitjà.

This is my first time in this blog! I'm glad to show you our favourite song "Hello song"!

I will link you the video in order you can sing it to your family if you want to. You have the lyrics on screen but I will try to upload the lyrics on the post too!

Here it is! I hope your family and friends like it as much as I do! :)