divendres, 21 de desembre del 2018

dilluns, 23 d’abril del 2018

diumenge, 22 d’abril del 2018

What time is it?

Year 3 students are studying how to tell the time in English. These are some videos for you to practise!.


Year 5 and Year 6 students worked on two texts about lakes, seas and fish. They worked in groups and after reading the texts they created some mind maps with the most important ideas. Do you want to take a look at their amazing jobs?

Wheel of tales

Year 6 students participated in the Project called Wheel of Tales carried out by CRP l'Hospitalet and different schools from our city.
The final product of that project was to record students telling one of the stories they have written. The recording was in a radio studio in Torre Barrina. They did a fantastic job!!

dimarts, 13 de març del 2018

Past Simple

Last week in class 6th graders played a game to practise how to form the past simple of the most common verbs in English.

Theatre play Little red riding hood

Hello everyone!:

Today children from Educació Infantil have watched the theatre play "Little red riding hood" at the gym in our school. They have spent a good time and participated in the session singing and acting the songs. You can see them on these photos.

dissabte, 10 de març del 2018

Back to school workshop

Some weeks ago students from Institut Bisbe Berenguer came to our school and prepared different activities to practise English with students from 6th grade. It was amazing for all!.

dimarts, 6 de març del 2018

Little red riding hood

Little children:

Have a look at the story of Little red riding hood that we are working in class these days. 

Means of transport

3rd graders:

Practise the means of transport we are studying in class by playing this game. Click on the image. 

Describing people

In 2nd grade they are learning to describe people. Watch the following fun video!.

dimarts, 27 de febrer del 2018

What can animals do?

2nd graders:

Have fun singing these songs about what animals can do!.

We love reading in English

This is the second school year that children from 4th to 6th Primary practise reading once a week. Through reading they work on writing, listening and speaking as well.

diumenge, 18 de febrer del 2018

School subjects

5th graders:

Play this game to practise how to say the school subjects in English. Click on the picture, read the clue and write the subject.

Past Simple - irregular verbs

6th graders:

You can practise the past simple form of some irregular verbs. Click on the picture below. 

dijous, 15 de febrer del 2018

2nd grade workshops

Since a few weeks ago 2nd graders are working in English workshops once a week. They play board games, do crosswords, play computer games, draw a character and then they describe it, etc. 
Here you can see them very busy with their activities and games!.

dimecres, 14 de febrer del 2018

Saint Valentine

For Saint Valentine little children talked about things they love to do and then they drew them. You can see some of their drawings here:

dimecres, 7 de febrer del 2018

Farm animals

2nd graders:

Have a look at this video about animals on the farm. Can you recognise the sounds you hear? 

Weather forecast

3rd graders are studying weather and temperature and they have been recorded saying their own weather forecast.