diumenge, 25 de gener del 2015

Irregular Verbs

Hello 6th grade students!
Here you have two games to practise for the Irregular verbs Exam. 
Click on the words "Irregular verbs" and on the image below to play and learn. 
Enjoy it!

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015

There is / There are

Dear 5th graders:

Here you are an explanation to understand when to use there is and there are
Then if you click on the image you will find an activity to practise this grammar structure that we are studying in class on Unit 3. 
Do your best!

Christmas traditions

Have a look at these videos where our 6th grade students tell us how they decorate their houses and what they usually do on Christmas. Nice job!

dilluns, 12 de gener del 2015

Simple Past activities online

Dear 6th grade students:

To practise Simple Past, here you have an interesting link. Click on the image below to open it. 
