dilluns, 28 d’abril del 2014

Asking for and giving directions

In these videos you can see 5th students asking for information to find a place in a town. Great job children!!

dijous, 24 d’abril del 2014

Tell me tell me... the colours!

P4 and P5 students have so much fun with this song. Here you have the video! Enjoy it a lot!

dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2014

The legend of St. George

Have a look at this easy version of Saint George, the princess and the dragon. 
If you want to learn more about St. George’s Day in England, go to:

Book day around the world

The 23rd April 
is the date of the death of the famous authors 
Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare,
 so people began giving each other books on this day. 
The custom became so popular that countries all over the world have started celebrating Book Day as well.

Saint George Day

 St George's Day 

Books and roses are the main symbols of St George's Day 
in Catalonia.

Many people go to festive markets to buy books and flowers, particularly roses, to give to their loved ones on St George's Day. These markets are held in the center of towns and villages, particularly Barcelona. They often include other cultural and literary events, such as book signings and readings of classical Spanish or Catalonian literature.

Many men traditionally present their grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, wives, girlfriends, daughters and other female relatives with roses. Many lovers may present each other with books, roses and other gifts.
St George is the patron of England. It is also the patron of the Spanish communities of Aragón and Catalunya.

Earth Day

This week we celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April. Here you have a video to know how to contribute to our world. Remember: everything we do to help the planet counts!. 

diumenge, 13 d’abril del 2014

Easter egg hunt at P4!

Last day little children looked for the Easter eggs that Easter bunny hid in the English class. Have a look at the photos. They found all the Easter eggs quickly!

Happy Easter!!

Click on this image and a new window will appear, then click on Play! 
Enjoy it!