dijous, 27 de març del 2014

What's your favourite animal?

Some days ago 3rd graders practised making questions about animal body parts and now they are curious to know their partners' favourite animal. Here you have the video!

dijous, 20 de març del 2014

Spring is here!!

Hello all:
Today is the first day of SPRING, sun shines brightly, flowers are blooming and we all love this warm weather. 
Here you have some spring songs with the lyrics. I hope you enjoy them! Let's sing!

dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

Has it got red wings?

Last week 3rd graders practised questions with "Has it got" and some parts of the body. 
Have a look at these videos. FIne!!

What time do you get up?

Last day 4th graders played a game about daily routines and time. Here you can see the videos. Great job children!

diumenge, 9 de març del 2014

What do you want to be?

P5 graders show us what they want to be when they grow up... Really nice!

Masks from our friends

At CARNIVAL little children coloured masks from our friends Frankie, Dizzy, Spot and Tex which we used to review colours:

Frankie is blue
Dizzy is yellow
Spot is red and black
Tex is green and brown

Here you can see them wearing their masks. Do you know who is who?