dilluns, 27 de maig del 2013

TOMORROW... TREASURE ISLAND! 5th and 6th grade!

Hi kids! Tomorrow we will see a play about the story of Treasure Island at "Auditori Barradas". 

Have fun sailors!

Don't forget these questions!

Who is Ben?

Where is the treasure?

dimarts, 21 de maig del 2013

Song: Man gave names to all the animals

Hello kids!
This is a fantastic song by Bob Dylan, but here you can also see a great version by Jason Mraz.
Can you guess the animal Jason is singing about?


dimecres, 8 de maig del 2013

Larosey and P5

Hello children! Here we have some photos from P5 and Larosey! We talked with her in English and we also played games.

We miss Larosey a lot!